About me


Hi! I’m Jahir. I am a Graduate Research Assistant at Nebraska Intelligent MoBile Unmanned Systems (NIMBUS) Lab. It is a robotics lab at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln specializing in robotics research with a focus on close interactions of aerial robotics and their environment. I’d like to define myself as a explorer who is exploring unknown. This includes technological, geographical, astrophilical and philosophical exploration. Get my CV


I love to spend my time thinking. reading, hiking, and playing chess. However, Robotics is a field which gives me a purpose as well as pleasure of working. I spent most of my time as a grad student working on various drone projects.


My passion and perseverance fueled me to work hard. I am glad to find some of the like minded people to work with and learn together , not only the technical knowledge but also the leadership skill, teamwork, compassion and empathy. As a team we have achieved success in some of the prestigious international competitions. At some point of this journey I realized that only being genuinely passionate and talented does not work alone without sincerity and consistency. These projects helped me to become more of a reliable person.

Future Plan

I am looking forward to walking a long way with robotics, computer vision and automation with a purpose of improving people's livelihood through solving real world problems.